
HOT:  STM32F103  |  STM32F030  |  TL431  |  LM317  |  NCP1117

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Logistics & Freight

  • Distribution Methods
  • Freight Instrucation
Express by Air: Fedex DHL UPS or Self-Pick up, door to door service for HK Local ctm.
Freight collection standard?
Freight paid by the customer.
The shipment cost of online order is based on 1Kg. If actual weight or volumetric weight is greater than 1Kg, our sales will contact you to pay an additional fee to make up the balance.
 Note:The freight collection standard may be adjusted accordingly with the development of the P&S Business. Thanks for your understand.
P&S Building,Wudayuan 3 Road,Donghu High-Tech Develop District,Wuhan, P.R.C
Copyright ? 2014   Wuhan P&S Information Technology Co., Ltd.
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